Kengurun matkassa -blogissa seurataan Australiasta suomalaisiin kouluihin matkaavan lelukenguru Onjan vaiheita. Projektin edistää media- ja kansainvälisyyskasvatusta. Hankkeen on perustanut Opetushallituksen tukema Canberran Suomi-koulu. Kangaroo Walkabout blog is where you can follow the journey through Finlands schools of the toy kangaroo from Canberra, Australia. På bloggen Kängururesan kan ni följa en leksakskängurus färd från Canberra i Australien till finländska skolor.

keskiviikkona, helmikuuta 07, 2007

Pellossa ja Pellossa oli hauskaa, eikä tullut läksyjä.
Täytyy jatkaa matkaa, mutta seuraa minua
Hei, hei!


Anonymous Anonyymi said...

You are the lucky one! You are nice and cool while we back here in australia are very, very hot. It has been raining a little , but it is still very hot during the day. Please send us some snow!
Roos from Austrlaia

11:54 ap.

Anonymous Anonyymi said...


It looks very cold up there. I have been looking at the temperature for Ivalo
at the Finnish Meterological Institue (

Did you go for a hop on the ice? If you did, were you worried and how did your new friends in Finland know that it was safe and would not break? What should I know before walking on ice?

- An Aussie friend of Onja's in Finland.

6:57 ap.


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